Monday, May 18, 2015

Shades of Gris

Three years ago, i have heard about this new trend book just published and being so desired , especially by a lot of women . Always seen the book in the bookstore, but never even had the interest to know about it, however deep inside me it has this magnetic instinct of my desire to know more about it.

Being a fan of the science fiction love story  Twilight , eagerly followed every movie that made me dream of the love story that i would want to entail into my life as well.

Going back to this famous fifty shades of grey book it had apparently a tremendous publishing selling book in the market, so supposedly the story is about again a love story between romantic lovers . I once had the opportunity to look upon this book but never paid attention to it.

After 3-4 years of the existing book , it became a trilogy story, till they made a movie out of it, i always heard about it and i was i fictions on how the story will look like. Based on my un romantic love life , i'm hopeless in terms of the dream of my life lover boy.

I have downloaded this Pop corn movie application advised by a friend , with good commentaries that good quality films and television series would be on high quality.

The movie was showing on the mid of February this year 2015, i was stanningly surprised to see it on billboards as soon to be showing on the cinema, got the interest to know when and watched the trailer then send some notification to some of friends who obviously was fan of these phenomen of books to eventually watch it on cinema.

It took a long road for me to watched it and finally watched it on my pop corn application on my macbook available on HD. Holiday May the 7 2015 i watched the movie early in the morning around 1-2 am , and i can tell you the movie was not amazingly directed or being played but i can assure you the story is rigid and addict ably hot, this was just the first book. I could not wait for the next movie i ratheredly look up on e-books on how the story would continue and eventually end up. Got so much addicted on it that almost everyday reading it and add some imagination and perhaps live it with my own experiences hopelessly. But still here i am , normally i'm not a fan of reading books and even never end or finish up reading , but this one, i will surely read again from the begging till the end.

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